I came across this enchanting hand typed manuscript that my Mother had put together. It was after she passed away, while looking through pages of her books and diaries, that I found it. The folder was complete and the sketches still together.
I had always remembered this work, as it stuck out in my mind more than any of her other projects. I’d often mention it to her and she always replied with: –
“Oh it’s not that good really. It was just fun at the time.”
Now I am able to share this book as an example of my mother’s unseen talent, coupled with the story of my own childhood and I hope that not only will you love it, but also you will find within its pages a new inspiration for your own dreams.
I have done my very best to keep the contents as she wrote it and only hope that through my edit I have simply clarified and enhanced her vision.
Tasha Bertram. (alias Petrova)
For further details check out Tasha’s website here TashaBertram
Books can be purchased direct from Amazon or LULU
who has appeared in many block buster films & TV Shows, inc Game of Thrones
and is the voice of John Tracy in the GCI Thunderbirds Are Go! series.
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