As we are hearing more and more about the resurgence of Street parties and Community gatherings, I felt compelled to tell our viewers about an extraordinary event hosted by a local firm of Solicitors, BP Collins of Gerrards Cross, last week.

It was entitled The Wellbeing Evening, and no-one was more surprised than I to find representation from a vast array of local and national companies present to support this unique ‘get together’ at the Solicitor’s premises in town.

Before I give you more detail on the companies and their activities, I have to share the amazing ‘kick-off’ from one of their Senior Partners,  Simon Deans, who skilfully put the audience at their ease as he spoke of his own ‘flaws’ in representing a ‘Wellbeing’ event, which was met with familiar nods and noises of agreement, as well as huge peals of laughter.

The sampling of healthy food and beverages was second to none, with a special commendation for Johanne O’Dowd who had flown in from Southern Ireland the day before to display her own healthy food range.

Johanne is a recover from Breast Cancer, and has proactively transformed her life through a healthy diet and lifestyle.  Johanne’s presentation and food sampling was outstanding, and it did remind us all revisit our diet and rethink our daily regime.

There were recognised companies like Guinot performing facials, Neal’s Yard Remedies and more ‘touchy feely’ organisations like and The Bodhi Tree Spa.

Many were unusual and all were inspiring, and I was particularly taken by a Music therapy session in drumming from Mike Watson.  Contact:  I have actually been inspired to invest in a pair of Bongos, having patted out a mean beat at the session, which I found to be hugely satisfying.

It also felt incredibly heart-warming to sample the sumptuous food and take time out to learn a little more about what is available both locally and further afield, but all hugely accessible depending on the requirements of the individual.

It was also a palatable experience – not just in the quality of the catering, but in the richness of the ideas and the inspiration and attention to detail, at such a well-structured event.

I also came away with what I felt to be a couple of life changing notions, which I hope to put into practise within my demanding schedule, but even so am now convinced of one thing. BP Collins, who have the nous to put into action an experience to actually ‘give something back’ to the community are unchallenged as a Law Firm of integrity and understanding, both of their clients’ needs and those of the local businesses.

I would like to urge other organisations both large and small across the UK to endeavour to do the same, on whatever scale, because the result can only be positive and the outcome a win win for all concerned.

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