by Dee | Oct 3, 2022 | Fashion, Featured
Most of us come from the era where we were proud to burn our bras, or at least we supported the ethos. I was someone who did not need a bra anyway, being fashionably Twiggy-esque and very flat chested.
My first bra experience was when I was 13 and most of the girls in my class were developing enviable curves, as I still remained like a stick insect, but still begged my Mum to buy me a bra. She came back from New York with a suitably flat elasticated band – vaguely resembling a belt but called a first bra, for me to grow into. I was devastated, as I imagined a beautiful lace bra, similar to all the girls in my class.
After giving birth to my daughter however, twenty years later, my boobs seem to take on a life of their own and grew and remained. In fact, I sat next to Twiggy at a Ball shortly after, with two extra stone of après-birth weight and ample breasts as we shared conversations of kids and fashion, with me desperately trying to stay away from the subject of body shape.
It is only in recent years I have begun to learn the importance of wearing a bra for both posture and support, and have waded through aisles of underwear shops and stores trying to find the right shape and fit and one that would feel comfortable.
My friend Debbie Arnold was horrified when she met up with me after many years. ‘Why are your boobs so low’ she exclaimed. I had no idea, but soon started to realise that they were supposed to be upwardly mobile and not pointing South!
Then I discovered No 1 Bra. I did my research and was introduced to the lady who had designed this amazing bra range, who had experienced all the trials and tribulations most of us have had in finding a bra that is perfect for us.
I spoke to Jeanette Misseldine, the creator of No 1 Bra and her story is both fascinating and inspiring as she recalls her own flight of discovery as she realized when shopping in Paris that she could not find a single comfortable bra because of the digging wire! So decided to create her own.
Women should not have to suffer the painful dig of a narrow underwire. You would never see a man with a wire protruding into his private area. Why should we!’says Jeanette
Jeanette had been in the Lingerie industry for many years, and has designed and created bras for global brands from high end to high street and all types from everyday to special occasions and sport!
Jeanette declares:
It’s taken years of development on the legal and sourcing side.
We are very fortunate to have an exceptional manufacturing facility with certifications of excellence! Our products are high quality.
We launched in lockdown and no one had heard of us! We did a special promotion and sold out of all middle sizes and during covid took an age to re stock! Now we are fully stocked and ladies are loving the comfort.
Typically, they can’t believe it when they try one. We’ve had all emotions and the question most asked is ‘why it’s taken so long’
We know as soon as ladies try the bra they will not wear another brand again.
Our mission is to help as many ladies as possible to find comfort and the more we help the more we can do!
We already have a selection of bras going down to 28 bands and up to 44 – With A-HH cups.
All ladies are different and it really depends on body shape and your torso and bust which will determine which bras are best for you.
We offer a fitting service over the phone and have a special set of questions that ensure you have the right size. We exchange and are committed to helping every lady.
Jeanette is right, I for one will never again have to trapes around the aisles of lingerie to find a suitable bra that fits perfectly. It is all here under one shelf, in the No 1 Bra – Colours, Strapless bras and Swimwear are all in the pipeline. She is so excited about what she can offer. Bravo Jeanette! The best is yet to come.
Check out the website to see the full range at no1Bra
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by Dee | Jul 8, 2022 | Featured, GloWellness
It may seem these two disparate concepts are hardly related, but they often go hand in hand.
Many of us are labelled at birth by our parents, as the ‘clever’ one or the ‘creative’ one or even the ‘hopeless’ child, which is merely based on how they want us to live their lives.
I had a phone call last year from a close friend, distraught after her elderly Mother had thrown out some of her favourite clothes and childhood possessions. Marianne had recently moved back in to look after her since her Mother’s physical and mental health had deteriorated, but had taken a short break away from the daily grind of being a constant carer.

On her return she had found her wardrobe and chest of drawers invaded, with half of the contents given away to charity. My friend who already suffers from anxiety and self-doubt, was thrown into a major frenzy – and it took her several days to return to any sort of normality, blaming herself for abandoning her Mother.
This was however, the turning point for Marianne, who realised after several months of counselling that it was in fact her Mother’s way of getting Marianne to carry the rage and anxiety she had been feeling herself prior to her outburst.
Added to this Marianne had always been told that out of all of her siblings, she was the one who was the major disappointment, and would never make anything of her life. On the contrary, she has been a high achiever, even more so than her two sisters, but who constantly seeks her Mother’s approval, which is never recognised in spite of her major accolades in her successful career in the City.
How many times do you hear in a marriage or relationship breakup, that the man or woman has to leave because his partner is ‘crazy’. This always sits uncomfortably with me, because you can bet that they will go on to meet someone else and evoke the same pattern of behaviour in their new relationship.
Therapists and psycho analysts call this ‘projection’ as they are in fact again getting their partners to carry their anxiety or feelings of hopelessness so that they don’t have to.

If this is hard to digest, let me give you a very simple example of how it works and how toxic this type of ‘projection’ can be. A close friend who is also an exceptional therapist had a new client several years ago who was suffering from depression, so badly that he wanted to end his life. My therapist friend David spent the entire session baffled by his account of what had happened since his wife’s departure, and at the end of the session told her he felt he was carrying his partner’s feelings of desperation. He left feeling a lot happier.
Two hours later his estranged wife called him saying she was feeling suicidal and wanted to give the relationship another go! He thankfully declined, and as far as I know, has remained anxiety free ever since.

I hope this may be helpful to those of you who are suffering with anxiety and depression, because if you look closely, you may find some of it may not even be yours to carry.
If you or anyone you know are struggling please check out the following websites for
help or just for someone to talk to
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by Dee | Dec 28, 2021 | Featured, Glo Arts & Entertainment
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs at the New Victoria Theatre in Woking, is the Pantomime of the season – evident by its packed houses and welcoming applause. Perfect for all age groups, it really has something for everyone, so a real family treat.
Our very own National Treasure, the charismatic Gok Wan opens the show as the Man in the Mirror as he is flown across the stage in all his glittering glory, with his droll delivery and witty one-liners, as he draws in the crowd and captures an abundance of new young fans.
Aaron James is highly entertaining as the blundering Muddles whose comedy routines are hilarious, from his A to Z impersonations to the cleverly skilled ‘shopping trolley’ delivered with perfection and aplomb, which the audience adore, which is evident by their rapturous response.
For those of us who were terrified of the Wicked Queen in the original Disney Film, Harriet Thorpe carries this through exquisitely to the present day with her delightful but dastardly Queen Lucretia, who sets out to capture the young Prince, played deftly by Benjamin Purkiss, with some hilarious interjections along the way.
It is quite refreshing too that the Pantomime stays true to tradition with an abundance of innuendos, crass jokes and repetitive banter with the only nod to woke being when the Princess, played perfectly by Rebekah Lowings, proposes to the Prince on one knee with humorous role reversal.
The show is also lavish, with music provided by the live orchestra ensemble and superb dance routines from eight fabulous young dancers, choreographed by Paul Domaine.
The Seven Dwarfs are a true highlight of the show, with their amusing anecdotes and fun banter, in addition to their spectacular ‘knees-up’ and you will have to see the Pantomime to find out exactly what I mean by that.
The run ends this Sunday 2nd January, so be quick
You can order tickets online here : BUY TICKETS