We have had a big response to our recipe for Cottage Pie with a twist of Marmite https://www.glotime.tv/hearty-cottage-pie-twist-love-hate/ and we were asked if we had anymore Marmite enriched recipes to try. Well here we go with a very quick and simple recipe for Marmite Cheesy Pin Wheels, They can be prepared really quickly for last minute guests or as a treat to be shared with a glass of wine or prosseco. They are also easy for the kids to make for party snacks or picnics.
Packet Ready Made Rolled Puff Pastry
Grated Mature Cheddar Cheese
1 egg whisked for glazing
Preheat oven to 180°C
Un-roll pastry. Spread Marmite evenly over pastry. Tip: Heat the marmite in the microwave to make it easier to spread but work quickly as it cools fast.
Sprinkle the cheese evenly over the Marmite leave a small gap at the far end to seal.
Roll up from the long side tightly, sealing the end with a dab of water. Cut into 1cm slices.
Form into wheels and lay on a lightly greased baking sheet Brush with egg mix and bake for about 20 minutes until puffed and golden. Serve hot or cold.
Try a Pizza version by spreading Tomato paste onto the pastry, sprinkle dried Oregano onto the paste, Top with grated Cheese, and roll into wheels as above.
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