It was only a decade ago I was living in Shorditch, the trendy oasis of the Galaxy, obsessed with ‘grime’ and ‘cleaning up’ as a PR consultant with all of the media startups in the area.

Now, ten years, one marriage and three kids later, I am still OCD about grime, mostly created by my two year old twins, and cleaning up the home on a daily basis.

I am also reluctant to admit that I enjoy it as much as I did back in the day, and am having fun on a daily basis with my very hectic lifestyle.  The only difference being the location which has been switched to Surbiton, and the heady PR activities which have been replaced by sleepless nights and grimy facades – so no great change there.

So how have I made such a drastic life change without regret.  I am enviably with the love of my life and have three gorgeous kids, who challenge me every day so I am never bored and always on my toes.

I have also found a new hobby and share the benefits with the rest of the family.  I have also discovered a charismatic new ‘performer’ Sophie Hitchcliffe, whose hilarious entertaining blogs are filled with ideas, and advice inspiration on cleaning.

Sophie Hinchcliffe is a char lady from Essex who is known as Mrs Hinch, and 28 year old Sophie’s tips have gained her over 300k followers on Instagram, who she refers to as her Hinch Army.

Sophie shares frequent photos on social media of her house, sharing interior design advice as well as cleaning hacks.

This excellent entertainer names all of her products as if they are characters and you can feel her passion as she embarks on projects ranging from slimy frying pans to blocked plugholes, saying that if you have a clean home you will have a happy clear head.  All of which is perfectly true.

You may feel that I have completely ‘lost the plot’ as a switched on educated female, but I am the first to admit that I have discovered the therapeutic benefits of ‘cleaning up’ as well as playing with my kids, spending quality time with my partner and meeting up with friends.  In other words I have achieved the perfect work/lifestyle balance, without losing out on some precious ‘me’ time, close at hand to the kitchen sink.

Check out Sophie’s tips here

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