Makeup is my passion so I’m always fascinated by what people have in they makeup bags and why!
I’ve asked my friends if they’ll show me theirs so I thought I’d show you mine first!
At present it’s a see through bag from Boots. Travelling a lot I find it easier to be able to see what I’ve got rather
than emptying it out – strange to have got inspiration from the plastic bags at airports!

Note the chewed blusher brush on the right designed by my dogs!

I have an awful lot of stuff on mine so this is in no particular order!!

Charlotte Tilbury film star bronze and glow.  I simply love this product. It’s in a beautiful container and it does what it says
on the compact – makes you bronzed and glowing. A great touch up when you’re out!

Pillowplump lip plump – picked up in BOOTS and love it!

Charlotte Tilbury lipstick that I mix (Penelope Pink) with nivea pearly shine which incidentally I use all the time. I’ve used
it for years and keeps my lips lovely and moisturised.

A chewed blusher brush. It has teeth marks on the handle don’t know how they got there!! It’s  my favourite.
Strangely my dogs like it too! ?

Bourjois volume clubbing mascara in black. Probably the best mascara I’ve ever used. Sadly very difficult to get now
but Amazon still have it!

3 different Charlotte Tilbury lip liners.

Bare minerals bare pro compact. A Fabulous product and you can keep adding to it without it going cakey. A great way
to lightly powder your face.

La Voix lip liner and lip stain – just to die for. I put it on in the evenings when I need to be red!

Max Factor panstick for under my eyes. Best concealer going.- old fashioned and brilliant.

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