Many of us are living with high levels of stress, from the demands of a ‘perfect’ lifestyle, with the expectation that we have to live up to the Picture Book imagery of the immaculate Mother with the beautifully turned out kids, running her own business from home whilst doing the school run and cooking the perfectly organic healthy recipes, cooked from scratch of course. Sounds familiar? It could be you or your offspring, if you have grown up kids, oh and being the perfect Grandma also comes with its challenges.
If you are trying to live up to any of the above, you will be feeling the strain, and any small event could tip you over the edge if you aspire to these heights of perfection.
The one thing we all want to avoid is reaching for the gin bottle at the end of the day, or pouring that extra glass of wine or God forbid, take up smoking again.
You definitely do not want to take medication to calm you down either, and so we are giving you some support with some healthy ideas to help you through the day (and night!).
One last tip, stop trying to be perfect – you won’t score any brownie points, and will be a lot happier in the long run.
Here are our top buys, please consult your GP before taking any herbal products in case of any
interactions with any medication you are already taking.
If you have a favorite herbal remedy please let us know and we will be sure to try it
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