Tina Stubbs was inspired to create a series of Children’s Books – LIFE’S LITTLE BUGS – several years ago as a single parent with a young child. Tina had all the normal struggles to create a work/lifestyle balance, but was determined to bring her kids up to have values. As any parent will know, teaching our kids life’s basic life’s lessons comes without any rulebook, and so Tina decided to write her own.

Rather than chastising her offspring, she devised a route to their inner world that was both effective and educational and as her ideas expanded so did her characters and storylines, and she began to write them down and draw images to bring them to life.

This is how LIFE’S LITTLE BUGS was born, and how better than from a Mum who has developed it from start to finish, with her own children being the proof that this ingenious concept really works.

To give you a little taste of Tina’s innovative work, she has devised a series of bug characters to cover every aspect of a child’s life, from litter bugs to tummy bugs, bringing awareness and understanding of the rights and wrongs of behaviour, without the unnecessary pressure of heavy discipline and reprimand, but rather bringing in fun and reward.


Tina is now in a relationship herself and her partner suggested a year ago that she give up her day job and concentrate on LIFE’S LITTLE BUGS with his blessing and full support.

Tina had already achieved a London Art College diploma in children’s illustration and so was already on her way to realizing her ambition with LIFE’S LITTLE BUGS. She also went the extra mile and sought professional advice in health, hygiene and social behavior to enhance her vision and ensure that she covered all aspects of child education and learning from hygiene to awareness of the environment.

Her tenacity has already been rewarded with schools, dental surgeries, child minders and home education groups using LIFE’S LITTLE BUGS as their inspiration.

Tina has recently appeared on BBC Berkshire with Anne Diamond and has had the heads up from UK’s parenting expert Sue Atkins who tweeted that she simply ‘loved loved her books’.

Tina is now developing more characters, and feels that this is just the beginning. We have all read her wonderfully inspirational books at Glotime TV, and have to agree that the sky really is the limit for this brilliant new children’s author, and we are looking forward to observing her future and watching where she ventures with LIFE’S LITTLE BUGS.


Photo courtesy of https://emmareed.net/


See the full range of books here http://www.lifeslittlebugs.co.uk/


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