Due to increasing numbers of people finding themselves alone in their 50s, 60s and beyond, the ‘mature dating’ industry is booming. However, many singles are under the false impression that they have just two choices: create an online dating profile…or resign themselves to a partner-less future.
The fast and ruthless world of internet-love just doesn’t suit everyone… particularly those who value their personal privacy and safety. Likewise, few people genuinely want to be alone.
Thank goodness, then, for traditional dating agencies like The County Register who have survived the internet dating explosion and continue to thrive. The County Register offers a bespoke matchmaking service for the more discerning dater. As Mike Parker, director, explains: “People join our personal matchmaking agency for many reasons but, primarily, it’s the need for anonymity, a lack of time and opportunity, sensitivity over entering – or re-entering – the dating scene, as well as the more specialised search that we offer compared with other agencies. It’s important to us that we have happy clients and will therefore do everything we can, to make sure our clients really do, at the very least, have a happy experience. We are possibly the best matchmakers in the UK today and have a reputation in the industry for integrity and honesty. We will be honest with you. Come and meet us without obligation, then go away and think about it. Safety is first and foremost in our minds for both men and women. The word ‘County’ means nothing more than the fact that we cover the entire UK and beyond.”
Founded by Heather Heber-Percy, who set up a small agency in the early 1980s, The County Register very much still has the feel of a family run business. Heather’s many years in the business have given her tremendous insights into human relationships. She uses these, together with her sympathetic interviewing skills, to gain a clear understanding of her clients’ needs and thus match them with suitable partners.
Traditional dating agencies, like The County Register, offer a real alternative to mature men and women looking for love away from the unpredictable world of online dating.
For more information, please call 0208 994 3500
email enquiries@thecountyregister.com
or visit www.thecountyregister.com
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