Thousands of Rock Choir Members to Dance and Sing on the Streets To Celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee with 70 Flash Mobs in 70 Locations raising money for 70 different charities!Plus official performance invitation involving 300 + ‘Rockies’ at Windsor Castle Long Walk on Sunday, 5th June.

As Jubilee fever starts to grip the nation, Rock Choir has now stepped forward with their own unique way of marking the once in a lifetime celebration by doing what they do best – singing in the community but with a surprise Jubilee twist! Their 33,000 members across the UK intend to take part in 70 top secret flash mobs, in which they will perform iconic feel-good hits such as ‘Dancing in the Street’ and Queen’s ‘Don’t Stop Me Now’, aimed to get the Great British Public up and joining in and celebrating in the joyous occasion of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.
The unsuspecting public will see the choir unexpectedly burst into song as the flash mob members reveal themselves and explode into song in all different locations from high streets, to shopping centres, markets, parks and of course the many organised Jubilee Street parties that will be happening around the country. In each location the local Rock Choir members will be fundraising for different charities, aiming to make sure as many organisations in need are supported in their local communities.
The biggest Rock Choir performance of the celebrations will culminate in a huge official performance on Sunday 5th June, when over 300 Rock Choir members have been invited to perform on the ‘Long Walk‘at Windsor Castle.
Rock Choir is already well known for performing the largest flash mob in London where 10,000 Rock Choir Members unveiled themselves in the crowd at the 2018 BBC Radio 2 Proms in the Park in Hyde Park.
The Rock Choir members come from all walks of life and from all different backgrounds and professions. They represent the diverse and passionate Great British Public including key workers, NHS staff, carers, service providers, students and the retired.
As a much-loved British household brand and the original and leading contemporary choir in the UK, Rock Choir is thrilled to help the UK celebrate this historic milestone of the Platinum Jubilee with its 70 flash mob events. The experience will not only provide an opportunity for the Rock Choir members to celebrate and take part, but it will also provide music, joy and entertainment for the public, helping to create the ultimate feel-good vibe to help the nation get up and ‘dance in the street’ with them.
Caroline Redman Lusher, Creator and Creative Director of Rock Choir comments:
“We are delighted to take part in the celebrations doing what we do best, bringing communities together, performing, singing and marking this significant and joyous occasion with the ultimate feel-good performance of a flash mob! It’s an exhilarating experience for the members to take part in and it will create special memories which will last a lifetime. It also brings the Great British Public together who are invited to support and share in the fun with us.
As a nation we need to come together as one and celebrate the amazing achievement of Her Majesty the Queen and Rock Choir promises to bring the party to the Jubilee Celebrations!”