N A T U R A L H I G H – Released 25th September 2020
The album Natural High is a joyful and reverential tribute to the powerful magic of nature and miracle of life. There are many layers to the natural world. Those we perceive with human eyes to be beautiful or awe inspiring, or intrinsically feel we need to protect or even be fearful of, are perhaps only touching the surface of its extraordinary qualities. Nature is also working behind the scenes affecting us on an entirely different plane.
“Our relationship with Nature is powerfully symbiotic. Nature nourishes us and it has the ability to move and heal us, to energise and uplift us. It is a living organism with a heart-beat, a soul and molecular memory, just like human life. We need to forge a new and positive relationship with the Natural world that sustains us.” Sarah Class.
Beyond Nature’s physical manifestation, Sarah believes there is a powerful spiritual vibration existing in multi layers. It is this version of Nature – its heavenly imprint, which fuels the music of Natural High.
Scientists know that Nature is proven to de-stress us, but equally they are aware this is not the full explanation. As scientist and cognitive psychologist David Strayer says, “something mysterious will always remain”.
Sarah says, “Natural High is also about Unity – the unifying God of all things and the connection between us and Nature. Our place within the natural world is not a separated one. We are of each other.”
The album explores Nature’s euphoric diversity through the ethereal lens. Through waterfalls, rivers, holy wells and more, each track aligns with various Nature deities from myths and legends of different cultures.
A true lockdown album written at the height of the pandemic, Sarah recorded much of the album with Sinfonia Nord, a wonderful orchestra in Iceland via remote link to her studio in Bristol. She also collaborated remotely with talented musicians all over the world to achieve the special sound she envisaged for Natural High.

Sarah Class
Award winning, Emmy nominated, Sarah Class has become one of Britain’s most sought-after composers and is described as having the ‘Midas touch’ when it comes to creating music. She is an accomplished musician, scoring for ?lm, television and the concert arena, producer, songwriter, and singer.
A classically trained pianist from an early age, Sarah developed a huge love of jazz and improvisation. Brought up on a nature reserve in a large unspoilt part of the Isle of Wight, she spent her childhood surrounded by rare orchids, bluebell woods and carpets of wood anemones – something that would come to inspire not just her music, but inform her very way of thinking and living.
She quickly started to make her mark in the world of television and subsequently the film industry. When she was asked to compose the score for an independent feature film titled ‘The Weekend’ Sarah caught the attention of legendary producer Sir George Martin who subsequently took her under his wing to help and guide her career.
Since then her career has skyrocketed and boasts 3 Emmy Award nominations, a Classical Brit Award nomination, a No.1 album collaboration with Hayley Westenra, a Best Score Award for Sir David Attenborough’s BBC TV series ‘BBC Africa’, plus numerous other hugely successful and highly acclaimed scores for movies and TV.
Sarah is also Ambassador for the World Land Trust. Sir David Attenborough, Sir Chris Packham and Steve Backshall are also patrons. The charity has directly protected and saved a million acres of threatened habitat including rainforest and helped save a further five million acres, in more than 20 countries over the past 30 years. Sir David even made an appearance on Sarah’s music video ‘I Will Fight’.

Sarah Class