by Olivia | Aug 5, 2022 | Featured, HEALTH & BEAUTY
How many times recently have you heard the words ‘don’t beat yourself up’ or ‘don’t put yourself down’. I can bet it has been said to you a number of times in recent years. I know I am guilty of doing both, and it is now time to stand up to the ‘inner bully’ and show it who is boss.
It is hardly surprising as we are constantly ‘bullied’ by the media, ordering us to look more attractive, younger, thinner, smarter – unrealistic goals when juggling any sort of descent lifestyle.
As a woman of a certain age, I now feel compelled to fight back at this tough tyrant within, and have begun to congratulate myself on bringing up a family – no easy feat, being a great friend and partner, my own skills and talents, and doing a list of my assets. I don’t mean in monetary terms, but my own attributes, and if you search you will find there are many that you can write down about yourself.

If you have this list by your bed, or in a prominent place where you can read it daily, I guarantee the negative feelings relating to yourself will begin to disappear.
Since I instigated this exercise into my own regime, as advised by a renowned life coach, ‘miracles’ started to happen, I was advised that they would. I was sceptical at first, but seeing a close friend successfully turn her life around, I was urged to try it, after all what did I have to lose.
So this, along with daily meditation, my life began to turn around for the good. I can’t explain how things began to improve, but can certainly pinpoint when, and that was the moment I stood up to the inner ‘bully’ and resolved to overturn the negative feelings I had for myself and stop setting myself unrealistic goals.
Small things started to happen at first, like a Yoga class appearing, practically on my doorstep and a part time job opportunity mysteriously coming up that would not eat too much into my time. I have even been given affordable beauty products and treatments at the local spa, and a multitude of benefits I hadn’t previously been made aware of.
Perhaps it is the Universe rewarding me for taking action against the ‘bully’, or maybe I am now freed up to notice my own good fortune, but I recommend taking charge, as it can only be for the greater good, and certainly in these circumstances, it will be for your own inner strength and future.
So, the rule of thumb is that bullies are actually cowards, and if confronted will always back off. So if you have done any sort of meditation, now is the time to have a serious talk with your inner ‘bully’ and tell them their voice is no longer effective in your World.

When the pressure is off you can then decide what is best for you, and you will be surprised at how liberating it will be to make your own decisions, based upon what you really need to make you happy.
If you would like more information on the above subject or any sort of holistic help, please contact us at, where we can recommend related reading and life coach options.
Also check out the following for inspiration
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by Olivia | Jun 17, 2022 | Featured, GloBeauty
We see more and more men emerging with painted nails, either through choice or the reluctant endurance of their creative offspring.
When Jaden Smith posed for Vogue Korea, the internet went berserk. According to Entertainment Tonight, he looked “stunning shirtless in a skirt with a flower in his hair.”

What made headlines was the skirt — not the blue nail polish on his fingers.
Smith is hardly alone. Plenty of other men have been seen wearing nail polish, including Johnny Depp, Seal, Brad Pitt, Zac Efron, Harry Styles and more.

But History is actually repeating itself. Men have been wearing nail polish since 3,200 B.C. After an excavation of royal tombs at Ur of the Chaldees in southern Babylonia, it was discovered that most men during that time wore nail polish, with different colours signifying different classes. Made primarily with kohl, the darker the colour, the higher the class of the man, from warriors to leaders. Lighter colours were reserved for the lower class men. Prior to battle, the warriors would take hours to paint their nails,so really, it’s not a new thing at all. In fact, nail polish for guys used to be the norm.
Come forward to artists such as Iggy Pop, Kurt Cobain, Lou Reed and David Bowie, all of whom painted their nails.

All the men above were rock stars, rebelling against the gender norms their elders obeyed. In Bowie’s case, critics just didn’t know what to do with his androgynous look, since rockers of the past had been forced into being extremely hyper-masculine figures.
But something has shifted in the past few years, not only by stars like Jaden Smith, but also the emergence of nail polish brands catering toward men.
There are several companies specifically producing these nail polishes just for men, an internet search will bring up a few makes, in reality they are no different to normal nail polish, they just stick to earthy and darker shades.

Though there is no reason not to go for a more bolder shade like Harry Styles of One Direction seen here with red polish on some nails.

Our very own resident chef Adam put it to the test for us, His daughters painted his nails, in black, and they went to town shopping. “At first I was very apprehensive” said Adam, “but after being in a few shops and paying for goods, knowing full well that my painted nails were in full view I suddenly became more and more confident, no one batted an eye lid, it certainly seems it is now acceptable for guys to wear nail polish”
Creator of Thunderbirds, Sylvia Anderson was always pushing the boundaries on fashion in all the shows she created & produced, even some of male characters on Thunderbirds wore eye shadow.

But that was Sylvia, given her fashion background, always trying to push just a little bit more and it certainly contributed to what made all the shows a success.

We will leave the last words to Adam. “I may try this again, and will report back. However I will stick to darker colours as don’t think a bright pink will go down well at the pub on a Friday night with the lads, but if pink is good enough for Prince Harry then you never know!”

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by Olivia | Feb 8, 2021 | Featured, GloBeauty
About 20 years ago I was utterly ‘shocked’ when a rather mumsie middle aged woman who was trying to revive her sex life with her husband told me that with or without a partner, a gloriously hot bath full of bubbles, surrounded with a multitude of candles and dimmed lights was the answer to any maiden’s prayer.
I think I was more surprised that this lady of around 50 was having any sex at all, but now that I am approaching that age myself am far more sympathetic to her revelation.
A beautiful bathing experience is not only good for your sex life, it is also wonderful for your wellbeing, can help you to think and sleep – especially if you have a long luxurious soak just before going to bed.
I have also been reading about how more and more people are getting back into bathing as their relaxation regime, together with meditation and love this quote from health guru Gwyneth Paltrow:
“I take a bath every single night – unless I’m somewhere where there is no bathtub, I started getting really into taking baths when I was probably 22-years-old and did my first movie in London. It’s such a kind of damp cold there, a bath is the only thing that gets the cold out your bones. So, I started taking baths every night – and then I came home and I just never stopped.”
I decided to put this to the test recently as I had been waking up earlier every morning and having difficulty in getting back to sleep. My restlessness had increased with the colder weather, as Gwyneth had said, the damp air in the UK does something to the bones when you reach a certain age, and I was amazed at the difference a late night bath made to my sleeping and indeed my increased energy the following day.
It also felt incredibly pampering, far more than a shower which is refreshing but far less nurturing. It gives you thinking time, and somehow it is a stress free zone where you can really unwind. It also gives some well-earned ‘you’ time.
Going back to the disclosures of my lovely ‘Mumsie’ middle aged friend, Gwyneth is not the only movie star who sang the praises of the Bath Tub, and not just to keep warm, Hollywood Icon Marilyn Monroe who was the epitomy of ‘Sexy’ made bathing sensuous and beautiful in the famous bathtub scene in Seven Year Itch back in the fifties.
Luxury Bath salts for calm and great sleeps:

Herbivore calm bath salts – £16

Cowshed – sleepy bath salts – £18

Bath soak heaven is – £22

Neom Real – Luxury Mineral bath salts – £38

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